The 1998 Family Preparedness Fair "Ark You Ready" was well attended and all learned more about the different aspects of being prepared.  You can download the booklet and keep a copy for your family.

Page 6 will help you determine how much of non-wheat flour to use, while page 7 will assist you on Ward/Congregation networking.  Since dealing with food allergies and intolerances are stressful page 14 can help shed some light on the subject.    Alternative cooking is a must if the power or gas is out, see page 12.  Want to start a farmers market in your town? page 31 can get you started.  Since, we all live in potential emgerency situations you may need the information on pages 30 and 33.

We all need to have financial and spiritual help, may I suggest pages 37 and 43.  Let us not forget our beloved animals they need special care during an emergency page 35 will tell you how.

Take a look and see what is here.  There are lots of great ideas and the information could help you and your family become better prepared.