New Sites to Visit
Essential Water Storage

Non-Food Supplies
Multi-Pure Water Company
Countryside and Small Stock Journal  'Voluntary Simplicity' movement seeking greater self-reliance (homesteading), with emphasis on home food production.
Backwoods Home Magazine
Prudent Food Storage
Back to Basics Products
The Country Living Grain Mill
72 Hour Survival Kits
Lehmans NonElectric Products
International Dutch Oven Society
Petromax Lantern Co
The BYU Solar Funnel Cooker  How to make and use a solar powered cooker and cooler.  It works great and is inexpensive!
Food Suppliers
Dry Pack Canning Company Offering Dry Pack Canning.
Just In Case Foods
Other Sites with helpful information
Make a Difference Foods  Food storage and Emergency supplies.
The Dollar Stretcher -- FREE Weekly Newsletter
Fitness, Health, & Weight Loss
Williamsburg Ward, VA
Camp Skits online
Other Links by Allison Cornwell